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Where There Is PUMPMAN, There Is Water!

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Easter Island, the Easternmost island in the South Pacific Sea, is known for the numerous stone statues called moai scattered among its land. The moai are in various shapes and heights, representing different meanings such as paying respect to the nature and clan. The most special and renowned moai are called Ahu Akivi located on the southwest flank of the Maunga Terevaka volcano. Unlike any other moai on the Easter island, Ahu Akivi are the only moai that look at the sea. According to Akivi literature, the seven Ahu Akivi statues represent seven young people who were sent to explore the island before its first colonization by King Hotu Matua.

In 4th  century, seven young Polynesian people sailed a boat heading to the East Pacific Sea. In early human civilization when there was no advanced navigation system and reliable ship, long distance sailing can be extremely dangerous. Their limited food can only supply them for a few months and they did not know where their destination will be. After two months of sailing, the exhausted and starving crew finally spotted an island appeared on sea level. They land on the beach with wild excitement; However, the crew members soon desperately realized One thing:

this island does not have a single tree, meaning that they do not have wooden materials to repair their aleak boat. They can never escape from the island. Fortunately, there were plenty of wild birds which can be a good source for food; They also unexpectedly spotted some fresh water source which can fulfil their daily needs. The seven explorers develop agriculture and animal husbandry, becoming the first colonizers of the island.

Hundreds of years later, the posterities of the seven explorers built the seven Ahu Akivi statues near the seashore facing  toward  the  ocean  to  express  the  sincere  homage  to  their  adventurous  ancestors who dedicated their lives to the exploration of sea and nature. The scientific research also shows that most of the moai indicate the presence of fresh water source underground. In other words, moai symbolizes life and vitality. ②

As an essential part of the mysterious ocean, water can be the source for life while it can also compose to cause perils claiming human’s lives. Inspired by the seven explorers’ story  related to water,  Pumpman  uses the Ahu Akivi  moai’s  portrait as  its  brand  logo, symbolizing our strong determination dealing with water resource. We are determined to make better water pumps to help human optimally utilize water, just as early Polynesians firmly choose the sea.  ③


① “The Mysterious Statues (Moai) of Easter Island. ” Traveling Solemates .

②  Magazine, Smithsonian. “Easter Island Statues May Have Marked Sources of Fresh Water.” Smithsonian.Com, 11 Jan. 2019, www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/easter-island-statues-may-have-marked-sources-fresh-water-180971244/.

③ “Ahu Akivi - the Seven Explorers: Imagine Easter Island.” Imagina Rapa Nui Easter Island, 6 Oct. 2021, imaginarapanui.com/en/easter-island-sightseeing/easter-island-archaeology/ahu-akivi/.

